1. Multiplication facts fluency is very important as it is the base for many concepts like multi-digit multiplication, equivalent fractions, division, and, much more. Multiplication facts practice deserves time and effort. Rushing into drills that promote meaningless memorization with endless repetition will not help in the long run. Allow students to …

  2. A strong conceptual understanding of division will help build students’ confidence and a strong foundation to base multi-digit division and division of decimals and fractions. The first step is to make sure that students understand what is division. Ask your students to explain what is division and find out what is …

  3. Arrays are a great way to introduce multiplication in grade 1, 2 and 3. Playing with arrays will help students model multiplication as repeated addition and understand the properties of multiplication. It is very important that we help students visualize and understand multiplication early on so that we build a …

  4. Grades 2,3,4 Arrays are a great way to introduce multiplication in grade 2 and 3. Playing with arrays will help students model multiplication as repeated addition and understand the properties of multiplication. It is very important that we help students visualize and understand multiplication early on so that we build …

  5. One of my favorite activities to do in class is to give students task cards with different arrangements and ask them how they see/count the objects. This activity offers a great opportunity for discussions. I later ask the students to write the equations or just the expressions for the arrangements, …

  6. Grades 2 and up Arrays are a perfect way to first introduce multiplication and start practicing the multiplication facts. This new game aims to help students practice multiplication by finding the correct array after multiplying two numbers. While playing students gain visual understanding of the multiplication facts and the multiplication …
