1. Targeted interventions in math are specific strategies and actions taken to help students who are struggling with mathematics. These interventions are designed to address the unique needs of each student, focusing on the areas where they’re having the most difficulty. Targeted interventions require a lot of planning by educators and …

  2.  Math curriculums today typically use one of two types of teaching methods: spiral or mastery. A spiral approach presents a new concept, provides practice on that concept, and then moves to another skill. Each skill is reviewed and revisited throughout math levels, always adding to prior learning. The Mastery Method is …

  3. I am thrilled to share that I am embarking on a new project: developing an innovative line of math resources called “Escape Room Adventures”! These interactive digital puzzles are designed to engage students and facilitate the revision and practice of specific math concepts. Each adventure is centered around a unique …

  4. Integers and their operations are an important concept in mathematics, typically introduced in the middle or early high school grades. While integers are often used in everyday life, this concept can be challenging for students. The introduction of negative numbers, numbers that are less than zero, is new to students …

  5. I am thrilled to share that I am embarking on a new project: developing an innovative line of math resources called “Escape Room Adventures”! These interactive digital puzzles are designed to engage students and facilitate the revision and practice of specific math concepts. Each adventure is centered around a unique …

  6. We have already discussed mental math strategies for addition and subtraction as well as mental math strategies for multiplication in previous posts. Today we will talk about division strategies that not only help students solve problems quickly but most importantly they help them gain a conceptual understanding of numbers and …

  7. A coordinate plane is a two-dimensional plane formed by the intersection of two number lines. One of these number lines is a horizontal number line called the x-axis and the other number line is a vertical number line called the y-axis. A coordinate plane is a tool used for graphing …

  8. A game for comparing fractions was missing from our collection so here it is. This is a simple racing game that requires students to compare fractions and recognize equivalent ones. The students can use the fraction bars to compare the fractions (included) or other strategies such as Comparing both to …

  9. At mathcurious we love math puzzles and brain teasers. Anything that tickles the brain and improves mathematical thinking. Puzzles provoke creativity and show the students how different math concepts and combinations of them can be used to solve problems in unexpected ways. Are your students smarter than a chicken? Have them …

  10. Combining letters with numbers and mathematical operations is new and exciting for students starting with basic operations. I find that many students see these equations as puzzles and love to solve them. As the equations get more complicated, however, including fractions, exponents, and more, many students start getting frustrated. Algebra …

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