1. Today we are sharing another fun game to practice area and perimeter. For this game, the players need to place/fit rectangles on the board. Preparing the game requires some cutting and laminating but it is worth the trouble because you can use it to practice multiplication as well. Let’s see …

  2. This game aims to help students practice the area of rectangles and is a variation of a previous game called Array Maze that was designed to practice multiplication. The game is pretty much the same since to find the area of rectangles we need to multiply the width by the …

  3. The concept of area like the concept of perimeter is used constantly in everyday life so students will already have an intuitive understanding of it. We need to use and link that understanding to the math activities in the classroom. Hands on activities and word problems that connect to real-life …

  4. Grades 2 and up Arrays are a perfect way to first introduce multiplication and start practicing the multiplication facts. This new game aims to help students practice multiplication by finding the correct array after multiplying two numbers. While playing students gain visual understanding of the multiplication facts and the multiplication …
