1. A strong conceptual understanding of division will help build students’ confidence and a strong foundation to base multi-digit division and division of decimals and fractions. The first step is to make sure that students understand what is division. Ask your students to explain what is division and find out what is …

  2. As we all know multiplication facts fluency is very important as it is the base for many concepts like multi-digit multiplication, equivalent fractions, division, and, much more. Therefore, multiplication facts practice deserves time and effort. Rushing into drills that promote meaningless memorization with endless repetition will not help in the …

  3. Decimal numbers is often a challenging concept for students. When teaching decimal numbers, I first review the basics of thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones and then introduce tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. I always start with decimal fractions and how they translate into decimal numbers. Make sure that your students understand that decimal …
